WWE-ML Showdown TV Episode 7!
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Welcome to Showdown TV! Episode 7!

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JR: Welcome to Showdown TV we are being alerted backstage...

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Orton: Big show, Look I know you must be a bit beaten up after Apocalypse but since your the biggest guy in the WWE-ML You seemed an Obvious Choice..

Big Show: What do you want?

Orton: Protection, Terry Funk said that my opponent for Doomsday will be in the arena here tonight! I need backup..

Big show: Why should I help you?

Orton: I.. erm.. Promise you a title shot... And... A burrito! Yeah, All the Burritos you could ever want!..

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Big show: In that case...

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JR: Our world Champion has alligned with the biggest guy in WWE-ML! This cant be good!..

Next segment:

Terry funk unveils Randy Ortons Opponent for DOOMSDAY!... TONIGHT!!!

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