WWEML Showdown TV 24
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Segment 3


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Eddie: Olale mi vato! Id like to introduce you all, to the single best athlete in WWEML History.. and the newest member of the NEW BLOOD!....

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Eddie: He is a former WWEML Intercontinental champion, The single most deserving wrestler on MY roster.. and the man who will aid The New Blood members, and possibily become the WWEML Champion at the same time as whooping some WWEML 'Original's ass.. Ladies and Gentleman...

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Eddie: Rob!... Van!... Dam!

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RVD: Heh, It used to be 100% about the titles, it used to be about the thrills, it used to be about the.. erm.. substances, but nowadays.. RVD is all about one thing.. Money.. and lots of it.. I get to prove myself worthy of being the WWEML Champion, whilst kicking some has-beens teeth down their throat.. Samoa Joe, Brock Lesnar, Randy Orton... Pfft.. Whatever dude..

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RVD: Im ROB..VAN...DAM!.... And I just dont give a fuck.

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